[Tenma] Food Wars Kai - Integral - 1080p.x264 [DUB][VO|VF|EN] [Multi Sub] [EN|FR|POR|DEU|ESP|ARA|ITA]

2024-09-27 23:28:39
File size:
45.4 GiB
Info hash:
# [Tenma] Food Wars Kai Integrale - 18 Films ![Film affiche](https://i.ibb.co/2F3cJzw/poster.png "Affiche du film") ### ![en](https://zupimages.net/up/22/45/2bsj.png) ![es](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/es_ES.png) **English presentation below** / **Presentación en español abajo** --- ![fr](https://img.streetprez.com/flag/fr_FR.png) # PRÉSENTATION Food wars Kai est une relecture de l’anime Food wars qui se veut plus concise et plus conforme au manga original, et offrant un plus grand plaisir de visionnage. Les scènes HS sont coupés au maximum et certains passages sont remis dans le bon contexte afin d’obtenir une œuvre plus fidèle au manga. Cette version, réalisée entièrement par mes soins (Tenma), je vous propose une qualité énormissime, que ce soit au niveau du montage, de la vidéo ainsi que pour la toute première fois une version multi langues, français et Anglais ainsi que sous-titres Portugais, Allemand, Espagnol, Arabe Et Italien. # SYNOPSIS Sôma a grandi dans les cuisines du restaurant familial et se prépare depuis toujours à prendre la succession. Mais son quotidien est bouleversé quand son père accepte un poste dans un palace new-yorkais. Le jeune garçon est alors envoyé dans une prestigieuse école culinaire. Bien décidé à ne pas décevoir sa famille, Sôma devra rivaliser de génie pour s’imposer parmi les meilleurs espoirs. ## INFOS UPLOAD **Montage** : Tenma **Langues** : ![jap](https://img.streetprez.com/flag/jp_JP.png) Japonais, ![fr](https://img.streetprez.com/flag/fr_FR.png) Français **(Saison 1 à 3)**, ![en](https://zupimages.net/up/22/45/2bsj.png) Anglais **Sous-titres** : ![fr](https://img.streetprez.com/flag/fr_FR.png) Français (VOST [ASS, SRT]) → Crunchyroll (VOST) + Blu-ray anglais (Forced) ![en](https://zupimages.net/up/22/45/2bsj.png) Anglais (VOST [ASS, SRT], DUB [ASS]) → Crunchyroll (VOST) + English Blu-ray (Forced) ![it](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/it_IT.png) Italien (VOST [ASS]) → IA (Saison 1 et 2) & Crunchyroll (Saison 3 à 5) ![por](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/pt_PT.png) Portugais (VOST [ASS]) → Crunchyroll ![all](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/de_DE.png) Allemand (VOST [ASS]) → Crunchyroll ![ara](https://www.shareicon.net/data/16x16/2015/04/16/23714_flag_256x256.png "ara") arabe (VOST [ASS]) → Crunchyroll ![es](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/es_ES.png) Espagnol (VOST [ASS]) → Crunchyroll ![es](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/es_ES.png) Espagnol-LA (VOST [ASS]) → Crunchyroll **Durée** : De film de 46min à 2h30 pour un total de 29h24 **Format** : MKV (AVC / AAC) **Sources** : Blu-ray 1080p → [Saison 1 et 2](https://nyaa.si/view/1465193), [Saison 3](https://nyaa.si/view/1106227), [Saison 4 et 5](https://nyaa.si/view/1776461) **Bitrate audio** : 265 kbps [Vous trouverez ici toute la correspondance entre les épisodes et chapitres de Food Wars.](https://fan-kai.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Food_Wars_Ka%C3%AF) --- ![en](https://zupimages.net/up/22/45/2bsj.png) # PRESENTATION Food Wars Kai is a reimagining of the anime Food Wars that aims to be more concise and faithful to the original manga, providing a greater viewing pleasure. Fillers are minimized, and certain scenes are placed in the proper context to create a work that is truer to the manga. This version, entirely created by myself (Tenma), offers tremendous quality in terms of editing, video, and, for the first time ever, a multi-language version with French and English audio options, as well as Portuguese, German, Spanish, Arabic, and Italian subtitles. # SYNOPSIS Soma has grown up in the kitchens of the family restaurant and has always been preparing to take over. However, his daily life is disrupted when his father accepts a position at a New York palace. The young boy is then sent to a prestigious culinary school. Determined not to disappoint his family, Soma must compete with genius to stand out among the best hopefuls. ## UPLOAD INFO **Editing**: Tenma **Languages**: ![jap](https://img.streetprez.com/flag/jp_JP.png) Japanese, ![fr](https://img.streetprez.com/flag/fr_FR.png) French **(Season 1 to 3)**, ![en](https://zupimages.net/up/22/45/2bsj.png) English **Subtitles**: ![fr](https://img.streetprez.com/flag/fr_FR.png) French (SUB [ASS, SRT]) → Crunchyroll (SUB) + English Blu-ray (Forced) ![en](https://zupimages.net/up/22/45/2bsj.png) English (SUB [ASS, SRT], DUB [ASS]) → Crunchyroll (SUB) + English Blu-ray (Forced) ![it](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/it_IT.png) Italian (SUB [ASS]) → AI (Season 1 and 2) & Crunchyroll (Season 3 to 5) ![por](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/pt_PT.png) Portuguese (SUB [ASS]) → Crunchyroll ![all](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/de_DE.png) German (SUB [ASS]) → Crunchyroll ![ara](https://www.shareicon.net/data/16x16/2015/04/16/23714_flag_256x256.png "ara") Arabic (SUB [ASS]) → Crunchyroll ![es](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/es_ES.png) Spanish (SUB [ASS]) → Crunchyroll ![es](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/es_ES.png) Spanish-LA (SUB [ASS]) → Crunchyroll **Duration**: From 46min to 2h30 per film for a total of 29h24 **Format**: MKV (AVC / AAC) **Sources**: Blu-ray 1080p → [Season 1 and 2](https://nyaa.si/view/1465193), [Season 3](https://nyaa.si/view/1106227), [Season 4 and 5](https://nyaa.si/view/1776461) **Audio bitrate**: 265 kbps [You can find here the correspondence between episodes and chapters of Food Wars.](https://fan-kai.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Food_Wars_Ka%C3%AF) --- ![es](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/es_ES.png) # PRESENTACIÓN Food Wars Kai es una reimaginación del anime Food Wars que tiene como objetivo ser más concisa y fiel al manga original, ofreciendo una mayor satisfacción visual. Se minimizan los rellenos y se colocan algunas escenas en el contexto adecuado para crear una obra más cercana al manga. Esta versión, creada completamente por mí (Tenma), ofrece una tremenda calidad en términos de edición, video y, por primera vez, una versión multiidioma con opciones de audio en francés e inglés, así como subtítulos en portugués, alemán, español, árabe e italiano. # SINOPSIS Soma ha crecido en las cocinas del restaurante familiar y siempre ha estado preparándose para tomar el relevo. Sin embargo, su vida cotidiana se ve interrumpida cuando su padre acepta un puesto en un palacio de Nueva York. El joven es entonces enviado a una prestigiosa escuela culinaria. Determinado a no decepcionar a su familia, Soma debe competir con genialidad para destacar entre los mejores aspirantes. ## INFORMACIÓN DE CARGA **Montaje**: Tenma **Idiomas**: ![jap](https://img.streetprez.com/flag/jp_JP.png) Japonés, ![fr](https://img.streetprez.com/flag/fr_FR.png) Francés **(Temporada 1 a 3)**, ![en](https://zupimages.net/up/22/45/2bsj.png) Inglés **Subtítulos**: ![fr](https://img.streetprez.com/flag/fr_FR.png) Francés (VOSE [ASS, SRT]) → Crunchyroll (VOST) + Blu-ray inglés (Forced) ![en](https://zupimages.net/up/22/45/2bsj.png) Inglés (VOSE [ASS, SRT], DUB [ASS]) → Crunchyroll (VOSE) + English Blu-ray (Forced) ![it](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/it_IT.png) Italiano (VOSE [ASS]) → IA (Temporada 1 y 2) & Crunchyroll (Temporada 3 a 5) ![por](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/pt_PT.png) Portugués (VOSE [ASS]) → Crunchyroll ![all](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/de_DE.png) Alemán (VOSE [ASS]) → Crunchyroll ![ara](https://www.shareicon.net/data/16x16/2015/04/16/23714_flag_256x256.png "ara") Árabe (VOSE [ASS]) → Crunchyroll ![es](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/es_ES.png) Español (VOSE [ASS]) → Crunchyroll ![es](https://i0.wp.com/img.streetprez.com/flag/es_ES.png) Español-LA (VOSE [ASS]) → Crunchyroll **Duración**: De 46min a 2h30 por película para un total de 29h24 **Formato**: MKV (AVC / AAC) **Fuentes**: Blu-ray 1080p → [Temporada 1 y 2](https://nyaa.si/view/1465193), [Temporada 3](https://nyaa.si/view/1106227), [Temporada 4 y 5](https://nyaa.si/view/1776461) **Bitrate de audio**: 265 kbps [Aquí puedes encontrar la correspondencia entre los episodios y capítulos de Food Wars.](https://fan-kai.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Food_Wars_Ka%C3%AF)

File list

  • Food Wars Kai [Tenma]
    • Original Soundtracks
      • (Saison 1) Original Soundtrack 1
        • 01 Towards the Horizon of Cuisine.m4a (3.8 MiB)
        • 02 Every time, Anytime, My Daily Life.m4a (3.4 MiB)
        • 03 WACHA [Chat, Chitchat, CHATTER].m4a (3.3 MiB)
        • 04 Morning,Field,Harvest.m4a (4.2 MiB)
        • 05 Rice,Sides,It's A Feast!.m4a (3.9 MiB)
        • 06 The Texture of a Decisive Battle.m4a (4.0 MiB)
        • 07 Go Study Both Sour and Sweet!.m4a (4.9 MiB)
        • 08 God Tongue.m4a (3.2 MiB)
        • 09 Disgusting!.m4a (2.7 MiB)
        • 10 The Girl that came from the Region of Fish.m4a (4.1 MiB)
        • 11 Meat Master.m4a (3.8 MiB)
        • 12 The Meat Sonata.m4a (4.9 MiB)
        • 13 Bon Appétit!.m4a (3.5 MiB)
        • 14 The Days with Polar Star and Don Research Come to an End.m4a (3.2 MiB)
        • 15 Always in My Heart, Peanut Butter Covered Squid Tentacles.m4a (3.2 MiB)
        • 16 The Most Offensive Exotic Food.m4a (3.9 MiB)
        • 17 In This Small Food Castle.m4a (4.6 MiB)
        • 18 The Heat of Confrontation.m4a (3.9 MiB)
        • 19 The Taste Experience of Cooking Battle.m4a (3.5 MiB)
        • 20 The Stench of a Mysterious Stew in the Dark.m4a (3.0 MiB)
        • 21 Our Respective Soul Food.m4a (4.2 MiB)
        • 22 The Hardships of Despair.m4a (3.3 MiB)
        • 23 The Kitchen's Front Line.m4a (4.2 MiB)
        • 24 Deliberations Told on the Tongue.m4a (4.3 MiB)
        • 25 The Secret Ingredient Named Victory.m4a (3.6 MiB)
        • 26 Welcome to the World of Gourmet Foods!♪.m4a (3.0 MiB)
        • 27 Lured to the Scent of the Ocean.m4a (4.2 MiB)
        • 28 This Duck I Want to be Embraced.m4a (4.2 MiB)
        • 29 This Wonderful Delicious World.m4a (5.6 MiB)
        • 30 Shokugeki Start!.m4a (5.9 MiB)
      • (Saison 1) Original Soundtrack 2
        • 01.Kibō no Uta -Star Glass ver.-.m4a (5.2 MiB)
        • 02.The Academy's Food Life 1, 2, 3.m4a (4.1 MiB)
        • 03.The Chefs Who Runs Thousands of Miles.m4a (4.7 MiB)
        • 04.The Man Who Was Called an Asura.m4a (3.7 MiB)
        • 05.The Tasting of Youth.m4a (3.8 MiB)
        • 06.The Capriccio of Taste.m4a (3.9 MiB)
        • 07.Shake shake, Flutter flutter.m4a (3.5 MiB)
        • 08.Charging at All BIZARRE Foods.m4a (5.0 MiB)
        • 09.The Viennese Serving.m4a (3.9 MiB)
        • 10.A Hint of the Secret Ingredient.m4a (3.6 MiB)
        • 11.Dancing Sample Bites.m4a (4.7 MiB)
        • 12.Blessings Gained From the Region of Fish.m4a (4.2 MiB)
        • 13.The Jewels Era.m4a (4.0 MiB)
        • 14.Gourmet Food That Stands at the Top.m4a (3.4 MiB)
        • 15.Savoring Bitter Experience.m4a (4.1 MiB)
        • 16.The Taste of Tears.m4a (3.4 MiB)
        • 17.The Insipid Serenade.m4a (3.5 MiB)
        • 18.Two Dishes Talking.m4a (4.4 MiB)
        • 19.Comrades in Taste.m4a (4.8 MiB)
        • 20.The Cooking One Ought to Challenge.m4a (3.8 MiB)
        • 21.The RecipeThat Runs Past from Behind.m4a (4.1 MiB)
        • 22.Deliciousness Inside Foulness.m4a (4.7 MiB)
        • 23.The Day Unripened Fruit Take Off.m4a (4.6 MiB)
        • 24.Those Who Do Battle.m4a (4.4 MiB)
        • 25.French Breeze.m4a (4.5 MiB)
        • 26.The Nordic Raging Fire and Savage Blizzard.m4a (3.9 MiB)
        • 27.The Accompanist of Aromas and Stimuli.m4a (4.1 MiB)
        • 28.The Boiling Witch.m4a (4.0 MiB)
        • 29.Mozuya's Theme.m4a (5.2 MiB)
        • 30.Spice -Star Vessel ver.-.m4a (4.0 MiB)
        • 31.Shokugeki Start!!.m4a (5.9 MiB)
      • (Saison 2) Ni no Sara Original Soundtrack
        • 01. Parting Ways for the Food Wars.mp3 (4.3 MiB)
        • 02. The Selective Final Tournament.mp3 (6.4 MiB)
        • 03. The Jewels Youngsters.mp3 (4.1 MiB)
        • 04. The Day When a Soul Rekindled.mp3 (5.2 MiB)
        • 05. Cooking, Boiling, Scalding.mp3 (4.3 MiB)
        • 06. Simmered, Soft and Tender.mp3 (4.6 MiB)
        • 07. Puffd up, Full, Really Full Stomach.mp3 (4.0 MiB)
        • 08. The Kitchen of Youth.mp3 (4.9 MiB)
        • 09. Under the Cherry Blossoms.mp3 (4.5 MiB)
        • 10. Searching for the Dawn of Cooking....mp3 (4.6 MiB)
        • 11. The Silent Predator.mp3 (5.6 MiB)
        • 12. The Recipe That Stares at Victory.mp3 (5.6 MiB)
        • 13. One's Personal Pledge to Foodstuff.mp3 (6.4 MiB)
        • 14. The Steller's Sea Eagle and the Ferocious Tiger.mp3 (6.3 MiB)
        • 15. The Young Nobleman of Aroma.mp3 (5.1 MiB)
        • 16. the Global Innovator of Taste.mp3 (5.2 MiB)
        • 17. The Dictator of the Kitchens.mp3 (3.9 MiB)
        • 18. The Légumes Magician.mp3 (5.1 MiB)
        • 19. The Dish That Threatens Upheaval.mp3 (5.8 MiB)
        • 20. The Chefs on the Battlefield.mp3 (6.0 MiB)
        • 21. The King of Stalker.mp3 (6.7 MiB)
        • 22. The Unique and Unparalleled Originality.mp3 (4.1 MiB)
        • 23. The Adventure in the World of Cooking.mp3 (4.8 MiB)
        • 24. I Love Everyone☆Yukihiland♪.mp3 (4.7 MiB)
        • 25. The Palate That Transcends the Heavens.mp3 (5.8 MiB)
        • 26. Those Who Eat From the Same Pot.mp3 (5.1 MiB)
        • 27. The Menu of the Fierce Battle.mp3 (5.6 MiB)
        • 28. The Strongest Heat Power.mp3 (5.7 MiB)
        • 29. The Food Warrior.mp3 (6.0 MiB)
        • 30. The Dish Toward Tomorrow.mp3 (7.4 MiB)
        • 31. Let's Go for the Final Course of the Meal!.mp3 (6.2 MiB)
        • 32. The Signature Dish (Specialty).mp3 (4.3 MiB)
        • 33. ROUGH DIAMONDS ~Starry Stagiaire ver.~.mp3 (4.9 MiB)
      • (Saison 3) San no Sara Original Soundtrack 1
        • (01) A Contest of Two Dishes.m4a (5.7 MiB)
        • (02) Monster Festival.m4a (5.1 MiB)
        • (03) Gourmet City, Gourmet Country.m4a (4.0 MiB)
        • (04) Má and Là.m4a (4.6 MiB)
        • (05) Enchanted Sichuan Cuisine.m4a (3.6 MiB)
        • (06) Trust Me.m4a (3.8 MiB)
        • (07) Fun Polar Star Life.m4a (4.7 MiB)
        • (08) Full Power and Relaxation.m4a (3.7 MiB)
        • (09) I Can Not Stop Eating ♪.m4a (4.3 MiB)
        • (10) The New King.m4a (4.7 MiB)
        • (11) Dark Spot.m4a (4.6 MiB)
        • (12) piano pourles mechant.m4a (4.0 MiB)
        • (13) Region of Gods Who Rule Gourmet.m4a (3.9 MiB)
        • (14) Weak Mode.m4a (3.8 MiB)
        • (15) The White Knight of the Table.m4a (4.2 MiB)
        • (16) The Depths of Despair.m4a (5.2 MiB)
        • (17) Maximum Output.m4a (4.6 MiB)
        • (18) The Alchemist.m4a (4.8 MiB)
        • (19) Central Gourmet Organization.m4a (5.0 MiB)
        • (20) Hunting the Survivors.m4a (4.2 MiB)
        • (21) BRAVER ~Oath of the Starry Sky ver.~.m4a (3.6 MiB)
      • (Saison 3) San no Sara Original Soundtrack 2
        • (01) Tōtsuki Train.m4a (4.3 MiB)
        • (02) Mighty Wall.m4a (4.1 MiB)
        • (03) Joan of Arc Rising.m4a (4.6 MiB)
        • (04) Beyond the Journey.m4a (4.7 MiB)
        • (05) Friendship In Sync.m4a (5.1 MiB)
        • (06) Origin of Strength.m4a (5.2 MiB)
        • (07) Sparkle.m4a (3.7 MiB)
        • (08) Opponent.m4a (4.6 MiB)
        • (09) Battle Royale.m4a (4.3 MiB)
        • (10) For Whom.m4a (5.3 MiB)
        • (11) The Storm Dance in the Wilderness.m4a (4.9 MiB)
        • (12) He Who Leads The Charge.m4a (4.4 MiB)
        • (13) He Who Has Used Up All His Strength.m4a (4.2 MiB)
        • (14) The Strength to Commit the Future.m4a (4.3 MiB)
        • (15) Régiment de Cuisine.m4a (5.2 MiB)
        • (16) The Elite Ten's Seat.m4a (6.6 MiB)
        • (17) To the Site of the Decisive Battle.m4a (6.7 MiB)
        • (18) The Carrier of Traditional Japanese Cuisine.m4a (4.2 MiB)
        • (19) Flash.m4a (4.0 MiB)
        • (20) The Bowl of Possibility.m4a (4.4 MiB)
        • (21) The Rebels.m4a (3.9 MiB)
      • (Saison 4) Shin no Sara Original Soundtrack
        • (01) The Regiment of Hope.m4a (5.0 MiB)
        • (02) The Master of Rare Ingredients.m4a (3.8 MiB)
        • (03) Slashing Small Fish.m4a (4.0 MiB)
        • (04) Young Master.m4a (3.7 MiB)
        • (05) Overcoming Frustration.m4a (3.9 MiB)
        • (06) The Trustworthy Guest.m4a (3.8 MiB)
        • (07) Calamari Lingerie.m4a (3.3 MiB)
        • (08) The Légumes Master and Pupil.m4a (3.2 MiB)
        • (09) True Gourmet That Takes Off From Paradise.m4a (3.9 MiB)
        • (10) Two Queens.m4a (3.8 MiB)
        • (11) The Path I've Been Following.m4a (4.4 MiB)
        • (12) The Dish of God.m4a (5.4 MiB)
        • (13) Chronos ~PIANO Ver.m4a (4.8 MiB)
        • (14) Emblem ~PIANO Ver.~.m4a (5.6 MiB)
      • (Saison 5) Gou no Sara Original Soundtrack
        • (01) The Fifth Plate.m4a (6.3 MiB)
        • (02) Study Continues.m4a (5.0 MiB)
        • (03) Suzuki-sensei.m4a (4.4 MiB)
        • (04) THE BLUE Opens!.m4a (4.4 MiB)
        • (05) True Gifting.m4a (5.4 MiB)
        • (06) The Time Since We Met.m4a (6.3 MiB)
        • (07) The Midnight Chefs.m4a (4.0 MiB)
        • (08) Cross Knives.m4a (4.2 MiB)
        • (09) The Bookmaster.m4a (4.9 MiB)
        • (10) The Despair of God's Tongue.m4a (4.7 MiB)
        • (11) Feelings Before A Plate.m4a (3.6 MiB)
        • (12) The Empty Heatless Taste.m4a (5.1 MiB)
        • (13) The Perfect Rocks.m4a (3.9 MiB)
        • (14) The Covert Noir.m4a (6.0 MiB)
        • (15) Never Give Up.m4a (4.8 MiB)
        • (16) My Own Taste.m4a (4.3 MiB)
        • (17) Last Chapter ~PIANO Ver.~.m4a (5.1 MiB)
        • (18) Crossing Road ~PIANO Ver.~.m4a (3.7 MiB)
      • Endings
        • Food wars (Saison 1) ED1 - Spice.mp3 (9.6 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 1) ED2 - Sacchan no Sexy Curry.mp3 (7.8 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 2) ED1 - Snow Drop.mp3 (9.3 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 3) ED1 - Kyokyojitsujitsu.mp3 (10.5 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 3) ED2 - Atria.mp3 (8.8 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 4) ED1 - Emblem.mp3 (9.6 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 5) ED1 - Crossing Road (Instrumental).mp3 (11.8 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 5) ED1- Crossing Road.mp3 (11.8 MiB)
      • Openings
        • Food wars (Saison 1) OP1 - Kibou no Uta (Instrumental).mp3 (9.5 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 1) OP1 - Kibou no Uta.mp3 (9.5 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 1) OP2 - Rising Rainbow.mp3 (8.2 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 2) OP1 - ROUGH DIAMONDS.mp3 (9.4 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 3) OP2 - BRAVER (Instrumental).mp3 (10.4 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 3) OP2 - BRAVER.mp3 (10.3 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 3) OP2 - Symbol.mp3 (8.0 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 4) OP1 - Chronos (Instrumental).mp3 (8.3 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 4) OP1 - Chronos.mp3 (8.3 MiB)
        • Food wars (Saison 5) OP1 - Last Chapter.mp3 (10.5 MiB)
    • Saison 1
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 01 - L'École des Chefs - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (3.0 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 02 - Le Camp de l'Enfer - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (3.4 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 03 - Le Karaage de la Jeunesse - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (1.4 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 04 - L'Homme qu'on Surnommait le Démon - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (1.7 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 05 - Les Élections d'Automne - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (2.7 GiB)
    • Saison 2
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 06 - La Génération Diamant - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (4.1 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 07 - Finale sous la Lune - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (1.7 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 08 - Les Stagiaires - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (1.8 GiB)
    • Saison 3
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 09 - Le Festival Gekkyô - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (3.3 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 10 - Centrale - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (1.9 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 11 - La Chasse aux Survivants - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (2.3 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 12 - Examens de Passage - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (2.5 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 13 - Régiment de Cuisine - 1080p.MULTI.x264.mkv (3.1 GiB)
    • Saison 4
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 14 - Le Régiment de l'Espoir - 1080p.VO-EN.Multi.Sub.x264.mkv (2.9 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 15 - Le Plat Véritable - 1080p.VO-EN.Multi.Sub.x264.mkv (2.7 GiB)
    • Saison 5
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 16 - Les Cuisiniers Noirs - 1080p.VO-EN.Multi.Sub.x264.mkv (1.2 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 17 - The Blue - 1080p.VO-EN.Multi.Sub.x264.mkv (2.9 GiB)
      • [Tenma] Food Wars Kai - 18 - À Votre Service ! - 1080p.VO-EN.Multi.Sub.x264.mkv (2.0 GiB)
    • Food_Wars_Kai_Metadata.zip (17.3 MiB)
    • Guide.png (1.7 MiB)
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